Hunting farm
Hunting farm
In the hunting farm, there is a high density of hunting species of wild animals (according to the 2022 data, 120 elk, 210 roe deer, 130 noble deer, 3 wild boar, 160 beaver, 2 wolf live on the farm's territory). The hunting grounds are rich in all types of hunting birds and fur animals. The economy organizes all types of hunts, including trophy hunts, both for citizens of the Republic of Belarus and for foreigners. Is provided rent of hunting weapons.
The area of forest hunting 43.7 thousand ha, of which forest - 18.1 thousand ha, wetland - 4.2 thousand ha, field - 21.4 thousand ha.
There are 32 lakes and 6 small rivers on the territory of the forest hunting enterprise.
Lepel forestry offers for recreation hunting complex "Сordon Dolgoe" . Located in a quiet cozy corner of the Lepelsky district in the village of Slobodka 15 km from the town of Lepel.
Forest hunting has its own aviary , which includes hunting for fallow deer and deer. The area of the aviary is 170 hectares.
Map of the hunting grounds of the Lepel forestry

Other hunting grounds maps
Based on materials from the Belgosohota
Hunting economy
Feeding animals
During the period of shortage of natural fodder by the forestry hunting, feeding of wild animals is carried out.